Friday, March 5, 2010

My Personal Learning Network

My personal learning network (PLN) was started initially with students from my EDM310 class E. After getting my feet wet with followers from our class, I added students from other classes, and some school advisors. Now, I have reach out into the community to add people from the field on technology and the education profession. Stay tune.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some more suggestions:
    Beth Still suggests this Instant PLN to create a list of teachers to follow. Also you should read this NY Times article Getting the Most Out of Twitter

    And be sure you look at David and Jacki's new blog Mathis Gorski EDM310 Projects

    To follow me follow @drjohnhadley. To follow Mr. Chamberlain, follow @wmchamberlain. Take a look at who we follow.
