Saturday, February 6, 2010

Assignments For February 7, 2010

The Benefits of Podcasting in Education

I am becoming more and more intrigued with podcasting. While listening to the different podcast I realize the possible benefit s to a student. It can help a student present presentations and build self confidence. Podcasting also invite parents to be apart of their child learning; for example, parents can listen to or view video's with the child in the comfort of their home. I think this would support the ongoing effort of getting parents involved with their class and also give parents an avenue to reach the teacher.

As I look back over some of our earlier assignment, I'm getting a better sense of the ever changing world of technology. This efforts will allow the student that feel uncomfortable presenting in front of a class a level of comfort. I believe the students will work on speaking skill at home and in everyday situations.


  1. I agree podcasting can be a confidence builder. And the more the students do the more comfortable they will be.

  2. I agree with everything you said. I believe this would encourage the parents to get more involved in the classrooms. With the students doing presentations I think it would boost their confidence and encourage them to want to be more active in the class.

  3. Student confidence is key. If you are confident, and the student is confident, then the classroom will be a better place. Podcast are a perfect confidence booster. Podcast allow the student to be creative and in turn more relaxed. Great post. Stay frosty.
